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New Crown Star Productions and Public Relations Agency is the fundraising arm of New Yahrusalem Church Ministry.  (PLEASE ALSO SEE OUR NEW YAHRUSALEM CHURCH MINISTRY WEBSITE. THE URL IS:

Detroit, Michigan, 1985, the unique New Yahrusalem Church Ministry was founded and established by beloved Minister S. E. White with the assistance, direction, co-founding and professional support of Mr. Uly Boykins. (Boykins was co-founder of the Michigan Chronicle Newspaper as well as Vice President of WGPR-TV/Radio.)Also See Uly Boykins in our Risen Stars On Angels wings Segment".The Ministry became the Spiritual Advisor and consultants to many great people, and even some local administrations. Also a Supreme Advocate of human as well as international and Divine Rights; even a vanguard of the protection as well as rights of homeless and needy human beings. Our minister and ministry sacrificed as well as contributed wealth and time to further advance humanity to its highest inherent potential and improve the quality of life for the human race despite race, religion, creed, wealth or status. We are and became the Favorite Ministry of beloved friend and Founding Father Beverly Hills Cop Gil Hill, sharing Bible and Scripture of the Highest Order with Mr. Gil Hill, (who assisted us in many humanitarian and charitable events and even some political events). We are forever grateful to Mr. Gil Hill.